En mulig løsning kan være å unmounte eventuelle offline network drives og UNC-paths.
Fra internett:
1. Simple solution: Just unplug network connection
2. In my case the notebook was the only AVID with a network drive. This network drive is mostly offline (only for watching movies). If I Power On the Movie PC everything is fine.
I think everytime you switching back to MC, the software will scan all available drives and hang up at the offline network drive. So, have a look at your Windows Explorer if you have offline network drives. Probably NAS could be a problem too. Maybe try power on or power off all NAS.
By the way: Other troubles will be solved with that solutions too, like long MC start (e.g. delay at "AMADeviceMonitor.avx).
Man kan også prøve å unmounte AMA volumes i Avid. File -> Unmount
Skru også av dette:
In the Volume Mounting, try to disable the last 2 options:
- Automatically AMA-link to volumes
- When mounting previously mounted volumes, do not check for modifications to the volume. (this option is off by default)
Uncheck "enable live link" at settings-link options.
Rename AMA Management-mappa kan også løse dette. Legg til "_dagens dato på slutten".
Du finner mappen på C: -> Users -> Public -> Public Documents -> Avid Media Composer -> AMA Management.